Valneva share: What will happen to the 32 million?

Valneva did not perform well at the stock exchanges last week. The paper lost -4% in the end. This confirms the recent trend on the markets. The share is also relatively weak with a minus of -14% in the current year. Nevertheless, there was some good news recently. This also seems to have boosted analysts. They assume that the share price will rise significantly – this is certainly a greater opportunity for investors who look at such developments.

Valneva: 32 million!

The good news relate to an order that Valneva has received. This order involves the supply of a vaccine against Japanese encephalitis. The client has been the US government and is said to be worth $32 million. That’s huge – because the company itself is not in a brilliant position at the moment, with presumed annual sales for the current year of around 182 million euros.

In the end, analysts expect a minus of -11 million euros according to the available estimates. Valneva is also expected to post another -23 million euro net loss in the coming year. These are not figures that could be used to create the expectation that the company could once again become massively stronger.

Sollten Anleger sofort verkaufen? Oder lohnt sich doch der Einstieg bei Valneva?

Nevertheless, analysts’ estimates are huge – also because of the $32 million?

At the moment, the average target price of the estimates is a high 80%. These are values with which earlier interim highs could be reached again. The highest estimate even foresees a gain of 141%. This, in turn, is comparatively unlikely, according to the current assumption based on the key economic data – but sentiment could well turn. Then a share price of 13 euros could be expected, it can be calculated.

Valneva will report on November 9. This may be another tipping point

Kaufen, halten oder verkaufen - Ihre Valneva-Analyse von 09.05. liefert die Antwort:

Wie wird sich Valneva jetzt weiter entwickeln? Ist ihr Geld in dieser Aktie sicher? Die Antworten auf diese Fragen und warum Sie jetzt handeln müssen, erfahren Sie in der aktuellen Analyse zur Valneva Aktie

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